About Me

My husband, Sid, and I both teach history in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Sid was awarded a Fulbright lectureship in Japan for the 2010-2011 academic year and so we are moving to Japan with our two (reluctant) boys. :)

Monday, June 13, 2011


All the Japanese schools hold something called Undokai each year. This is "sports day." The stores sell caps that are red on one side and white on the other and the school is divided into red and white teams to compete in various things such as races, dancing, and an even where one child is held on the shoulders of two other children and the child on top tries to push another child on top of someone's shoulders off onto the ground.  There is also an even where the children race giant bouncy balls--maybe 8 or 9 feet in diameter.  Sam's team, the white team, won this year and he was very happy.  I have several videos of undokai to post.

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