About Me

My husband, Sid, and I both teach history in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Sid was awarded a Fulbright lectureship in Japan for the 2010-2011 academic year and so we are moving to Japan with our two (reluctant) boys. :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

And more...

For a while now yellow basket has been the bane of my existence. Every time I drag the laundry down the stairs to the dryer, there is yellow basket, blocking my way.  I hate yellow basket.

But, I hate dirty white basket even more.  On numerous occasions dirty white basket has appeared after I put my laundry in the dryer and I come down to find that dirty white basket has shoved my (sometimes still damp) laundry into my little basket and put its contents in the dryer.  I thought that maybe I was going down too late (past my 30 minute mark), but on Saturday I caught dirty white basket's owner taking my laundry out of the dryer when I still had 5 minutes left on the clock. I said, "Sumimasen....anata was warui des" or "Excuse me, you are bad." Dirty white basket's owner, a crumply, dirty old lady just looked at me.  Ugh.  I will not miss sharing a dryer!

From Julie's koto recital. In the photo Sam, Hana, Yukio, and Yukio's wife (none of us ever remember her name!!!).  Hana means flower.

 Sam's card tower.
Our friend Mary gave us "ringside" box seats to the last Sumo tournament. Afterward, Sam got to take photos with several sumo wrestlers and even got one to autograph his program!

Last night was the Fulbright reception at the American Embassy--well, at the Ambassador's home.  This is a photo from the back yard. This building before WWII was the Embassy. Now it is where the ambassador, Roos, lives.

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