About Me

My husband, Sid, and I both teach history in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Sid was awarded a Fulbright lectureship in Japan for the 2010-2011 academic year and so we are moving to Japan with our two (reluctant) boys. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another new word

My Japanese tutor was here yesterday and Sid and I learned another new word.  I was asking Nami about dating in Japan and the age when people marry and such.  It came out that there is a certain age group of women (30-40) who, when not married, are sort of desperately seeking the ring. There is, as for so many things in Japanese, a special word for them..."Konkatsu."

When we were walking Nami back to the train station, Sid started making a joke, saying that when he ordered at restaurants he liked to get the "konkatsu" instead of "tonkatsu."  (Tonkatsu is port cutlet).  Nami turned ten shades of red and, in very un-Japanese style, shushed him and told him "No, no, you can't use that word in public!  It's embarrassing!"

Hmmm.  Sid has learned little this time around in Japan as far as the language. Just like last time, he knows just enough Japanese to get him into hot water. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I miss Sid and his humor! I always enjoyed the banter with him when he would drop Sam off at Preschool....I like his 'konkatsu' joke!!! :)
    Miss Jackie
